Relieving Eye Irritation From Fire Pollution

Among the many problems from the fires in Ventura County and Santa Barbara County is the very poor air quality. Soot and microscopic particles create not only breathing problems, but eye irritation as well — whether or not you’ve had LASIK. Patients with underlying dry eye disease tend to be bothered most. In general there are some steps that can be taken if you cannot avoid being exposed to the significant air pollution we’re seeing from these fires. Avoid wearing contact lenses in these conditions. Microscopic debris from the fires can become lodged under the contacts. Contacts also tend to exacerbate dry eye problems and dried out contacts are also more prone to infections. Try to wear glasses, goggles, or sunglasses when you are outside. These will help keep irritating soot particles out of the eyes. They also will help block winds, which tend to dry the surface of the eye out and worsen dry eye problems. Avoid air conditioners in that the increased air flow speed can further dry eyes out, although air conditioners could help filter out particulates from the air, which can relieve irritation. Use over the counter lubricant eye drops such as Refresh Optive Mega-3 very often, even hourly or more. These types of eye drops will rinse particulates off the surface of the eye and help relieve dryness on the surface of the eye. Additionally, Refresh Optive Mega-3 actually contains omega-3 in the eye drop in the form of flaxseed oil, which is anti-inflammatory and also helps aid in relieving dry eye irritation. Finally, be sure to stay well hydrated. Humidity currently is very low, as is typical for fires, and it is important to remember to drink enough fluids.

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