How Many Eye Doctors and Eye Surgeons (Ophthalmologists) Have LASIK Laser Eye Surgery on Their Own Eyes?

Eye doctors and surgeons understand LASIK laser vision correction better than most people and a higher percentage of eye surgeons and their family members undergo laser eye surgery than in the general population.

Ophthalmologists are medical doctors (M.D.’s) who have specialty training and certification to do all forms of eye surgery, including laser eye surgery. The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) is the largest and most prestigious professional society of those ophthalmologists with a particular interest in laser vision correction. The members of the ASCRS, more than just about anybody else, truly understand the pros and cons of undergoing LASIK laser eye surgery.

Each year, the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery conducts a poll of its own ophthalmologist members. This annual ASCRS poll is considered one of the most important barometers of technical eye surgery trends in the United States.

One of the questions the recently released 2012 ASCRS members survey looked at was how many of its expert ophthalmologists had undergone laser vision correction on their own eyes or a family member’s eyes. The results were a resounding endorsement of laser vision correction: 25% of all ASCRS ophthalmologists surveyed reported having undergone refractive eye surgery themselves, 56% said their siblings had undergone refractive eye surgery, and 28% said their spouses had refractive eye surgery. The lead author of the survey each year, Richard Duffey, M.D.,, commented on this year’s results: “When you see these rates, which have consistently stayed high, it tells you that we who know the most about the procedures, refractive surgeons and our families, have had them done at a higher rate than the general population. It’s a kind of an index of satisfaction.”

I can relate to this satisfaction. I see how happy laser eye surgery has made the thousands of patients I have performed LASIK and PRK on. I have personally undergone refractive surgery, as have 30 members of my family and my staff. Those of us who work in this field day and and day out understand how wonderful the results of these remarkable surgeries are!

See Also

American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Website for the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, the largest and most prestigious professional society for refractive eye surgeons in the United States.

ASCRS Survey
Review of Ophthalmology article on ASCRS member survey.

Survey Says Surgeons Believe in LASIK
Previous American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery survey shows ophthalmologists have LASIK more than the general population does.

FDA LASIK website.

A Look At LASIK Past, Present, and Future
American Academy of Ophthalmology review of LASIK vision correction surgery.

Choosing an Eye Doctor
All About Vision discussion of the different types of eye doctors, including optometrists and ophthalmologists.

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